25th September 2008

Virtual reality of Labour party conference

Conference organisers came up with a novel way of promoting digital democracy at the Labour party conference - a virtual. . .

<p>Conference organisers came up with a novel way of promoting digital democracy at the Labour party conference - a virtual meeting between politicians and internet users via the virtual reality parallel universe Second Life.</p><p>The first MP blogger, minister Tom Watson, invited internet users to actively participate in a meeting between himself, members of the business community and party delegates in the first virtual reality experiment of this kind.</p><p>Dorothea Hodge of the Social Market Foundation, which hosted the fringe meeting in conjunction with Microsoft, said: "We are delighted to be the first ever political organisation to open up our event in Second Life. </p><p>"Running a discussion in this format allows us to include people who cannot travel to Manchester, or who were not able to get a pass into the conference centre."</p><p>Second Life is an internet-based 3D virtual world launched in 2003 which provides a platform for remote human interaction. The Second Life Viewer enables users, called residents, to create communities that socialise and trade virtual items and services with each other.<br/><img alt="ADNFCR-1753-ID-18798101-ADNFCR" src="http://feeds.directnews.co.uk/feedtrack/justcopyright.gif?feedid=1753&it..." /></p>

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