Small Events Aesthetic Medicine - Approved!

Are small events finally getting the green light?
The Aesthetic Medicine Live event is set to take place this month, after months of delays and broken promises, are small events finally getting the go- ahead with no requirement of a negative lateral flow test or double vaccination for attendees. With the relative success of a number of pilot events across the UK, the future is looking slightly more promising for the events industry, as it looks like the government is beginning to finally relax its stranglehold on group events.
Just business events?
In the roadmap laid out earlier this year, the government stated that business events, along with cinemas, sport events and live performances, were more likely to be approved than events where people would be continually moving in and out of the venue. The government privileges events where attendees enter and exit en masse. As such, it looks as though business events and smaller, controllable gatherings will be making a prompt comeback. The jury is still out on other big, indoor events.
The rules
Despite the removal of a negative test or double vaccination requirement, there are still firm regulations in place for Aesthetic Medicine Live. Masks must be worn at all times inside the venue, all personnel will be temperature checked upon arrival, and organizers reserve the right to change policy in accordance with government-advised safety measures. We can expect a similar level of caution from event organisers nationwide — ultimately, what the industry wants is to get back on its feet, and to do so requires genuine adherence to safety regulations.
What to expect in the coming months?
As we wait for the 12 July announcement that will decide the near-future of the events industry, more and more events are being booked and scheduled for later in the year. On July 5th Prime Minister Boris Johnson made a statement explaining that if we proceed to Step 4 on the 12th, that would mean that all restrictions are lifted. People would no longer be required to socially distance or wear masks, and events of all forms could return. No final decision will yet be made until the 12th - a day that events workers across the country are nervously anticipating - but it is quite possible that the events circuit can finally restart.
Organisers are understandably tentative, not wanting to make arrangements and deposits only to be shot down, and buyers are equally reluctant to purchase tickets given the uncertainty. However, as soon as a sense of security returns, we are likely to see a surge in ticket sales (and prices), so individuals would do well to pay close attention to avoid later disappointment. It may be worth subscribing to certain ticket vendor newsletters to stay updated on the latest news.
However, there are some that have challenged the government’s roadmap, arguing that small, controllable events like trade shows and conferences should have been allowed to re-continue months ago. The pilot events held across the UK only bolstered these claims, as even the one-off indoor club night in Manchester was a relative success, boasting a minor transmission rate. Alan Jenkins of exhibition contractor Black Robin Exhibits writes, ‘In reality, if the business events industry had been on the forefront of government planning, we should have been able to restart events weeks, if not months ago. However, as is often the case, events were all lumped in together under one heading, and we all received the same treatment.’ While there is a distinct possibility the government will unnecessarily delay the event industry’s comeback (costing businesses money), it does look like we are finally set to resume hosting events and return to normality.